Cross At Kent
Local residents are petitioning the City of Hamilton to request a Pedestrian-activated stoplight at the corner of Kent and Aberdeen Streets. Councillor Brian McHattie (Ward 1) and the Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association support this.
Sign the Petition! In 2008, the City of Hamilton signed the International Charter for Walking and is currently creating programs to promote walkability in the city (Active and Safe Routes to School). Your support will help ensure that we make a positive difference in our city.
Some reasons this stoplight is important:
- Kent St. is a natural point to cross - Kent stretches from Amelia to Charlton and is part way between Queen and Locke Streets.
- HSR bus stops - both directions of Aberdeen at Kent have bus stops with no crossing stoplight.
- Residents need to cross - Ryerson, St. Joseph's and Earl Kitchener schools, the HAAA, Radial and Reservoir green spaces, library and all Locke Street businesses.
- Aberdeen is not safe for pedestrians - narrow sidewalks abut the busy road of speeding vehicles.
The Petition
Whereas, Aberdeen Avenue is a very busy roadway, with significant traffic volumes and speeds, exacerbated by Hamilton Mountain traffic via the Queen Street Hill, proximity to Highway 403, HSR bus traffic, and the busy Dundurn and Locke Street corridors, especially during the morning and afternoon rush hours, and;
Whereas, Hamilton City Council has made commitments to improving walkability in the city by signing the International Charter for Walking, and through City Council's vision statement with the goal of making Hamilton the best place to raise a child; and
The undersigned urge the City of Hamilton to install a pedestrian crossing signal at Kent Street and Aberdeen Avenue as soon as possible, facilitating walkability and pedestrian safety and also urge the City of Hamilton to take swift and concrete action to facilitate walkability and pedestrian safety across the entire City of Hamilton.Sign the petition
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